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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉





Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉

/mas/ - Renee P

/mas/ - Massachusetts

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 No.3522[Last 50 Posts]

Renee P


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Lets get started Medford


still hoping for some new shailyn


Anybody got any Jessica (jiggles) from the voke?


Anything from shailyn would be great


Lots of shailyn.


Post up what you have of Shailyn


I call bs on those shailyn wins. Been looking for them for years and haven’t seen anything


Post something if you want them.


I don’t think you have shailyn. All talk


File: 1680251419986.jpg (55.54 KB, 540x960, IMG_0110.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

been hanging on to this but fuck it, old Maria V


A+ contribution with Maria. Best head I’ve ever had without question. Do you have any more of her


I'm waiting on the dude who said he has shay


I have some Jessica Bowen


Me too dude. Don’t get your hopes up tho..I would be shocked to see shay


Anyone have Marcela?


I wanna believe but it does seem to be a pipe dream


Yea it’s a real shame those pics are never gonna be released. Thank you again for the Maria one tho that was nice. If you have anymore of her and wanna share out of the goodness of your heart that would be great


Still have Shailyn. No one is posting though.


I posted Maria, post Shay and I'll post more


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in case that isn't enough, here are two more.


Who’s this?


More Maria v.


You have a pics of Maria’s tits? Been looking to see those for a while


sorry man, i’m not giving up anything else until that dude drops some Shay


That’s a real **** in the nuts but I understand.


Crappy pics don't get shai


File: 1681330424322.webm (607.12 KB, 1232x624, video0-2 copy.webm) ImgOps Google

I agree but you also haven't proven that you have what you say you have. with that said here is more Maria v.


Doesn’t work? Can you re post


File: 1681343411903.webm (606.98 KB, 1232x624, video0-2.webm) ImgOps Google



Idk maybe it’s me but I can’t get it to play


File: 1681345309077.png (1.86 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2023-04-12 at ….png) ImgOps Google

here's a screenshot


Damn more screenshots plz


lol I'm waiting on shay. 3 pics, a webm, and a screenshot gotta be worth at least a couple shay. and I have more


Yea it’s time for this guy to pony up


File: 1681366055356.png (1.18 MB, 932x1341, 1536548501148.png) ImgOps Google

heres the 1 shay nude thats been around so now they have to post something diff. if they ever do


I have one pic of shay that no one has seen. Tits out. I’ll post it **** if you post Maria’s tits.


File: 1681422365119.png (248.63 KB, 565x1004, IMG_6603.png) ImgOps Google

Maria's tits


That’s not Maria. You cut out the original girls head and her two hands giving the middle finger..reverse image search it..


fuck for real? my bad. I didn't cut it, I was told this was Maria. is there another way to compensate for shay? I've already post a bunch and it's just one pic


Any Emma M.?


Can we get some Emma M.?


Idk about this first guy claiming to have shay but I do. 100 percent real, tits out, sent to me from her around 2018. I’m gonna need something solid and real from Maria or someone else in era for it


well the first 3 pics and the vid are real cause I got them from her myself. the last one I got from a dude more recently who claimed it was her. is that good for you to post?


Any Emma ****?


I dont have any Emma, sorry man


Janh M.


File: 1681654378022.jpeg (54.5 KB, 620x789, 82116A6D-98DD-4B5B-A1F0-9….jpeg) ImgOps Google

The shay you’ve been waiting for


holy tits. thank you, bro. how'd you get this?


Used to hook up back in the day. Do you have any more Maria? I believe all the ones were real besides the one that wasn’t lol


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Here’s some Marcela


sorry bro, idk who told you this is shay but the reverse image comes back as specialmoons


Who’s got Olivia Rossetti on Jenn Demetri


That’s def her. Maybe that pic has been shared by others and it’s become something else but I can guarantee it’s her


I'd like to believe you man but you can see the same fan and bed in specialmoons' pics and shay is def not her


Guys what kind of a world do we live in where we can’t even trust the direct source..I feel cheated and betrayed. I’ve been holding that pic for years. But it like like you’re right, it’s not her. I’m sorry. Wasn’t my intention to fool anyone


you saying shay sent that to you saying it was her?


Remember when she got arrested for robbing a gas station on Salem St lol.


Olivia R lesbian what??




tbh I'm down to pay for Shay if anybody can provide proof it's her. I mean it's 2023, idk why we're still hoarding her


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Anyone have Leanne I? She got around


Bump Medford




is the other dude with Shay gone? I don't have anything new, I just wanna know if we can negotiate






Renee has had plenty of 3somes. She said she wanted to try dp. Get on that boys.










Any Rachel mckim?


Somebody has to have Irene






Let's go medford


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shay pics, for shits and giggles


Nice. Some non nude instagrams of shay




this dude still around?


Shay is amazing


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it'd be nice if people were this cool with sharing Shay..


Any allys@ br0wn?


I have a few of Jess bowem






Medford women are smart. They keep their clothes on.


sure, let's go with that.


Dying to see Olivia if anyone has


This thread wouldn't exist if medford women were smart


bump for shay


More Maria would be greatly appreciated too. And of course a big bump for Shay


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Any j3ss p mhs06?


I'd love to see Leanne


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Would love to find wins


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Amanda H


More Amanda please!


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Bump. Nice wins. Anymore Amanda?


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Keep them going


Jackie schurko? Renee fillebrown? Luana? Alexis orchard?


Amanda have an OF? Been looking for that for years


She would make so much money


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So hot. Post all you have of her



This part of a video ?


Anyone have Brittany b?


Bump Leanna


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Anyone have her wins?


Whose OF is that


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Amanda h


Anyone have Olivia R


Damn more Amanda plz


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Who knows this slut from Medfa? 38-DD Tits Nowadays! Absolute Cannons, Let Me Know Her Name And I’ll share more if you get it right




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It is Shannon, How’d you know?


Any r@chel polc@r0


Any nic0le m0rtell?


Any Kim O class of 08? She fucked half the basketball team


Anybody have any luck or stories with Medford girls on dating apps?


Any Daniella C from class of 2012?


Any br@ndi


I have more Shannon if anyone has Olivia R


Bump for 08 girls


Bump leanne


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Anymore wins or stories Isabel b


c dall?


Bump medford


Andrea D thick booty


L rainey?


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Shannon 13’


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Anyone have anything from back in the day? 08-13


can't believe theres only that one pic of shay


Right? Like they must exist, the ppl who have them just aren’t here. Same with Maria




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Shannon 13’


Nice tits on shannon


I have more Shannon if anyone has any mhs 08


Let's go medford


Lol renee


Who’s got Amanda aufiero fat tits


Any more of her!!


Vicki d?


Any more shannon?

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